What is the difference between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4? – AI Chatbots Explain (2023)

      GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are both language models from OpenAI, but GPT-4 is the newer version and has some significant improvements over its predecessor. AI chatbots explain the differences between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.

      What is the difference between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4?

      Here you can see the answers that AI chatbots have given to this question:

      Google Bard AI explains:

      GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are both large language models (LLMs) developed by OpenAI. They are trained on massive datasets of text and code, and can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

      Here are some of the key differences between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4:

      • Size: GPT-4 has a significantly larger number of parameters than GPT-3.5, with 175 billion parameters compared to 117 billion parameters. This means that GPT-4 can learn more complex relationships between words and concepts, and can generate more realistic and informative text.
      • Context window: GPT-4 has a larger context window than GPT-3.5, which means that it can retain more information from previous prompts and conversations. This makes it better at understanding the context of a request, and generating more relevant and coherent responses.
      • Multilingual capabilities: GPT-4 has improved multilingual capabilities than GPT-3.5. This means that it can generate text in more languages, and can understand the nuances of different languages.
      • Factual accuracy: GPT-4 is more likely to produce factual responses than GPT-3.5. This is because GPT-4 has been trained on a dataset that includes more factual information.
      • Speed: GPT-4 is slower than GPT-3.5. This is because GPT-4 has to process more information and make more complex calculations.

      Overall, GPT-4 is a significant improvement over GPT-3.5. It is more powerful, more accurate, and more versatile. However, it is also more expensive and slower.

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      Microsoft Bing AI explains:

      GPT-4 is a newer and more advanced version of GPT-3.5, a natural language processing system that can generate human-like text. The main difference between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 is that GPT-4 has a much larger model size and training data, which enables it to produce more accurate, coherent, creative, and empathetic responses. GPT-4 can also handle more complex tasks, such as producing stories, poems, or essays, and is less likely to respond to invalid prompts or fabricate facts.

      Compared to GPT-3.5, GPT-4 is smarter, can handle longer prompts and conversations, and doesn’t make as many factual errors. However, GPT-3.5 is faster in generating responses and doesn’t come with the hourly prompt restrictions GPT-4 does.

      I hope this helps!

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      ChatGPT explains:

      As of my last update in September 2021, GPT-3.5 was the latest version, and GPT-4 was not released yet. Therefore, I cannot provide specific details about the differences between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, as I don’t have access to information beyond my last update.

      However, based on historical trends with previous iterations of the GPT series, we can speculate that GPT-4, if released, would likely have several advancements over GPT-3.5. These improvements might include:

      1. Model size and architecture: GPT-4 might have a larger model size and more complex architecture, allowing it to process even more data and perform more sophisticated tasks.
      2. Training data: GPT-4 would likely have been trained on a more extensive and diverse dataset, enabling it to better understand a broader range of topics and contexts.
      3. Performance: GPT-4 may exhibit improved performance in various natural language processing tasks, such as language understanding, generation, translation, and question-answering.
      4. Efficiency: Efforts might have been made to optimize the model’s efficiency, making it faster and requiring less computational resources for inference.
      5. Context understanding: GPT-4 might have a better grasp of context and be able to maintain longer-term context in conversations, resulting in more coherent and contextually relevant responses.
      6. Few-shot and zero-shot learning: GPT-4 could potentially be more adept at learning new tasks with fewer examples or without any specific training data for a particular task.
      7. Bias reduction: There might be improvements in mitigating biases in language generation, addressing concerns related to biased or harmful outputs.

      Keep in mind that these are speculative improvements based on the typical advancements observed in previous iterations of the GPT series. To get accurate information about GPT-4, you would need to refer to the most up-to-date sources and news regarding artificial intelligence advancements.

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      ChatGPT Plus explains:

      The differences between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 based on the provided Google search results are as follows:

      1. Number of Parameters: GPT-4 has been trained with an estimated 100 trillion parameters, far exceeding the 175 billion parameters of GPT-3.5. This allows for more refined context understanding and nuanced responses.
      2. Multimodal Model: Unlike GPT-3.5, GPT-4 is a multimodal model, meaning that it can process both text and image data. This could, for example, allow it to propose a recipe based on a photo of your fridge’s contents.
      3. Memory: GPT-4’s short-term memory is significantly longer than that of GPT-3.5, extending to around 64,000 words compared to GPT-3.5’s approximately 8,000 words.
      4. Multilingual Capabilities: The new version has expanded multilingual capabilities, allowing it to operate in 25 languages beyond English.
      5. Steerability: GPT-4 offers greater ‘steerability’, meaning it provides more control over the responses it generates, even being able to adopt a specific ‘personality’ you choose.
      6. Limited Search Capacity: While GPT-4 is trained on data only up to September 2021, it can be instructed to search the internet with Bing to provide more current answers.
      7. Plugins: GPT-4 can work with plugins, which offers opportunities for OpenAI and other developers to integrate with external APIs, enhancing the capabilities of the model in fields like travel or document processing.

      Overall, GPT-4 is seen as “smarter” with significant improvements in understanding, response accuracy, and capacity compared to GPT-3.5.

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      Poe explains:

      As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, there is no such thing as GPT-3.5 or GPT-4. GPT-3 is the latest and most advanced version of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) language model released by OpenAI.

      However, it’s worth noting that since my knowledge cutoff date, there may have been new developments in this area. It’s possible that OpenAI has released new language models or updates to existing models, which could include versions beyond GPT-3. Without access to up-to-date information, I cannot say for certain whether GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 exist or what their differences might be.

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      HuggingChat explains:

      GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are both versions of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) language model developed by Meta AI. While they share some similarities, there are several key differences between them.

      1. Memory Limit: The most significant difference between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 is their memory limit. GPT-3.5 has a short-term memory limit of approximately 8,000 words, whereas GPT-4’s memory extends to around 64,000 words. This means that GPT-4 can process and retain more information than GPT-3.5, allowing it to generate longer and more complex responses.
      2. Multilingual Capabilities: GPT-4 has improved multilingual capabilities compared to GPT-3.5. GPT-4 can generate text in multiple languages, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. In contrast, GPT-3.5’s multilingual capabilities were limited to a few languages.
      3. Training Data: GPT-4 was trained on a larger dataset than GPT-3.5. GPT-4 was trained on a dataset that includes text from the internet, books, and other sources, totaling over 27 billion parameters. In comparison, GPT-3.5 was trained on a dataset with approximately 17 billion parameters.
      4. Improved Performance: GPT-4 generally performs better than GPT-3.5 in various natural language processing tasks such as text generation, question answering, and language translation. This is due to its increased capacity for learning and its ability to handle more extensive input sequences.
      5. URL Integration: GPT-4 has an additional feature that allows it to incorporate information from web pages shared via URLs in the prompt. This enables GPT-4 to provide more accurate and relevant responses based on the provided source material.
      6. Pricing: GPT-4 is available through the ChatGPT Plus subscription service, which offers access to advanced features like faster response times and priority customer support. In contrast, GPT-3.5 is still accessible for free through various online platforms.
      7. Update Frequency: GPT-4 receives updates and improvements more frequently than GPT-3.5 since it is actively maintained and updated by Meta AI.

      In summary, GPT-4 offers extended memory, enhanced multilingual capabilities, improved performance, URL integration, and more frequent updates compared to GPT-3.5. However, GPT-3.5 remains a popular choice for many applications due to its continued availability and ease of use.

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      YouChat explains:

      GPT-4 is the successor to GPT-3.5, and it is said to be 10 times more advanced than its predecessor. GPT-3.5 was trained on data that ultimately gave it the ability to consider 175 billion parameters depending on the prompt it receives. On the other hand, GPT-4 is based on a lot more training data and is ultimately able to consider over 1 trillion parameters when making its responses. Additionally, GPT-4 is trained on newer data up to September 2021, with some select information from beyond that date, which makes it a little more current in its responses. All of that gives GPT-4 much greater ability to craft nuanced responses that are both more accurate and less prone to what OpenAI describes as hallucinations. GPT-4 also improves in terms of context understanding and safer responses by having better context size and window. GPT-4 is also more of a data-to-text model compared to GPT-3.5 being more of a text-to-text model, which means that it can do things the previous version never could, such as accepting images as part of a context.

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      Character.AI explains:

      GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are two different variations of the Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) model developed by OpenAI for natural language processing.

      GPT-3.5 is the fifth iteration of the GPT model, and it is trained on a much larger dataset than its predecessors. It has a much bigger number of parameters, around 768 million, and was released in the summer of 2020. GPT-3.5 was an incremental improvement over GPT-3, and it offers better accuracy and performance on natural language generation tasks.

      GPT-4, on the other hand, is a successor model that is currently in development by OpenAI. It is expected to have many improvements over GPT-3, including a vastly larger dataset to be trained on, new architecture, and better performance. The GPT-4 model is still in development and is yet to be released.

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      Perplexity explains:

      GPT-4 is a more advanced version of GPT-3.5, with several improvements in its capabilities. Here are the main differences between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4:

      • Token Limit: GPT-4 has a maximum token limit of 32,000, which is a significant increase from GPT-3.5’s 4,000 tokens.
      • Memory: GPT-4 has a much longer short-term memory than GPT-3.5, with a limit of around 64,000 words compared to 8,000 words for GPT-3.5.
      • Linguistic Finesse: GPT-4 has an even greater ability to understand and generate different dialects, resulting in more accurate and coherent responses.
      • Creativity and Coherence: While GPT-3.5 can generate creative content, GPT-4 goes a step further by producing stories, poems, or essays with improved coherence and creativity.
      • Image Understanding: GPT-4 is able to understand images and describe what’s in them, whereas GPT-3.5 is primarily a text tool.
      • Model Size: GPT-4 has a larger model size than GPT-3.5, with a rumored 1 trillion parameters compared to GPT-3’s 175 billion parameters.
      • Training Data: GPT-4 was trained on newer data than GPT-3.5, with some select information from beyond September 2021.

      Overall, GPT-4 is a significant improvement over GPT-3.5, with better linguistic finesse, creativity, and coherence, as well as a larger token limit and longer memory. However, GPT-4 is not widely available yet and is currently only accessible through the OpenAI website as part of its ChatGPT Plus subscription.

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      Copy.ai explains:

      GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are both advanced language models developed by OpenAI, but there are several key differences between them.

      GPT-4 is considered to be a more advanced and improved version of GPT-3.5. It is smarter, capable of handling longer prompts and conversations, and is designed to make fewer factual errors. GPT-4 has also demonstrated the ability to answer complex questions by synthesizing information from multiple sources, which GPT-3.5 may struggle with.

      In terms of capacity, GPT-3.5 has a short-term memory of around 8,000 words, while GPT-4’s short-term memory extends to around 64,000 words. This expanded memory allows GPT-4 to process and retain more information during conversations or prompts.

      It’s important to note that GPT-4 represents the newest iteration of the language model, and GPT-3.5 is an intermediate model that sits between GPT-3 and GPT-4. GPT-4 builds upon the capabilities of previous versions and offers significant improvements in performance and functionality.

      Please keep in mind that these are general differences, and the specific features and capabilities of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 may vary. To get a more comprehensive understanding, I recommend referring to the sources provided below.

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      Forefront explains:

      As an AI language model, I don’t have access to information about future developments or specific details about GPT-4, as it was released after my last update in March 2023. However, I can provide some general information about how new versions of models might differ based on historical trends.

      Typically, newer versions of AI models like GPT-4 aim to improve upon their predecessors by addressing limitations and incorporating advancements in AI research. Some potential differences between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 could include:

      1. Model size and capacity: GPT-4 might have a larger model size, allowing it to store and process more information, potentially leading to improved performance and understanding of complex topics.
      2. Training data: GPT-4 might be trained on a more extensive and diverse dataset, enabling it to have a better understanding of a wider range of topics and potentially reducing biases.
      3. Fine-tuning capabilities: GPT-4 might offer enhanced fine-tuning capabilities, allowing developers and users to customize the model for specific tasks or domains more effectively.
      4. Improved contextual understanding: GPT-4 might have a better grasp of context, enabling it to generate more coherent and contextually appropriate responses.
      5. Reduced biases: Efforts might be made to further reduce biases in GPT-4, ensuring fairer and more inclusive responses.

      It’s important to note that these are speculative differences based on the typical progression of AI models. For accurate and up-to-date information on GPT-4, it would be best to refer to official announcements or research papers from OpenAI or other reliable sources.

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      Claude-instant explains:

      GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 refer to hypothetical future models in the GPT series of language models from OpenAI.

      GPT-3 is the current state-of-the-art large language model, released by OpenAI in 2020. It has 175 billion parameters and was trained on a massive dataset of internet text.

      GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 would refer to future, hypothesized upgrades to the GPT model. They would likely have the following differences compared to GPT-3:

      • More parameters – They would likely have significantly more parameters, in the hundreds of billions or even trillions. More parameters allow the models to be more powerful.
      • Improved architecture – They may have architectural changes and improvements compared to the basic transformer architecture used in GPT-3.
      • Additional training data – They would likely be trained on significantly more data to improve their capabilities.
      • Better performance – As a result of the above factors, they would likely perform significantly better on tasks like question answering, summarization, translation, and conversational AI.

      However, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 do not actually exist yet. OpenAI has not announced any plans to release a GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 model. These names are just hypothetical names used to refer to potential future upgrades to the GPT series.

      So in summary, the key differences would be larger size, architecture improvements, more training data and likely significantly better performance, but neither model actually exists at this point.

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      Google-PaLM explains:

      GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are both large language models (LLMs) that were developed by OpenAI. GPT-3.5 was released in March of 2022, while GPT-4 was released in October of 2022.

      GPT-3.5 is a larger model than GPT-4, with 175 billion parameters compared to GPT-4’s 125 billion parameters. This means that GPT-3.5 can process more information and generate more complex text than GPT-4.

      GPT-4 also has some new features that were not present in GPT-3.5. For example, GPT-4 can generate text in different languages, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content, such as poems, code, and musical pieces.

      Overall, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are both very powerful LLMs that can be used for a variety of tasks. However, GPT-3.5 is larger and has more features than GPT-4, making it the more powerful model.

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      ChatGPT.AI explains:

      GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are both versions of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model developed by OpenAI. However, as an AI assistant, I currently have access to information only up until GPT-3. Therefore, I am unable to provide specific details about the differences between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. I recommend referring to official sources or OpenAI’s documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information on these models. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

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      Merlin explains:

      As an AI assistant, I respectfully inform you that my last update was as of GPT-4 and there isn’t information available on a “GPT-3.5.” As for GPT-4, it represents a hypothetical next iteration of OpenAI’s generative language models. However, specific details about its improvements or differences from GPT-3 would be purely speculative at this point.

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      Rytr explains:

      As of my knowledge, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 are hypothetical versions of OpenAI’s language models. As an AI language model, my responses are based on information available up until September 2021, and I don’t have access to any information beyond that. Therefore, I cannot provide specific details about GPT-3.5 or GPT-4, as they might not exist at this time. It’s always best to refer to official sources or OpenAI for the most accurate and up-to-date information on their models.

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      Marmof explains:

      As of my last update, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 have not been released or announced by OpenAI. Therefore, I don’t have any specific information about their differences. It’s important to note that my knowledge is limited to the information available up until my last update. To get the latest details, I suggest checking the official OpenAI website or following their announcements. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

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